The A-Z of Manufacturing Decision Making

Posted by Paul Hughson on Fri, Oct 16, 2015

From asking to verifying, via spreadsheets and meetings we take a lighthearted look at the A-Z of the manufacturing decision making process.

Blog   The A Z of manufacturing decision making (bonus agile)


A - Ask someone, hopeful that they'll know what you need

B - Build an elaborate spreadsheet , mindful data is aging by the hour

C - Copy and paste some old information. It will do.

D - Decide anyway without knowing the true answer

E - Exercise your authority and shift the task onto a colleague

F - Forgot to get the answer

G - Go mad at someone

H - Hope the problem goes away

I - Invite everyone to a meeting

J - Join an existing meeting

K - Kick the dustbin in frustration at the lack of available information

L - Look in the dustbin for last month's report

M - Mention the issue to the IT manager (although he doesn’t look optimistic)

N - Nevermind we'll just never know

O - Open a can of worms

P - Pick a number at random

Q - 'Quick guess, don’t quote me'

R - Realise all the information is out of date

S - Spreadsheets again. The answer must lie in spreadsheets

T - Tell your partner you'll be late tonight, number crunching

U - Uncover a series of information black holes that terrify you

V - Verify your data with another department as you're not sure

W - Wish you'd never asked another department as their data conflicts with yours

X - (E)xpletive (utter one) as you realise you’ve no idea whose data is correct

Y - Youthful vigour has been sapped away now as you realise you’ve aged 5 years

Z - 'Zut-Alors!' Wish you were on holiday in France, if only you had the time...


Decision making can be difficult but it doesn’t have to be this way. The implementation of an ERP system can streamline this process and give you the access to the information you need to make the correct decision.

Take a more serious look at what ERP software can mean for decision making in your business by downloading your free eGuide - 'ERP Software - what is it and what does it mean to you?: A guide for manufacturers'

ERP Software - what is it and what does it mean to you?: A guide for manufacturers

Topics: Manufacturing